In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, users are faced with a myriad of platforms vying for attention. Two notable contenders, BeReal and Snapchat, have risen to prominence, each with its unique features and user experiences.

Amidst the allure of creative expression and digital connectivity, concerns about safety take center stage for users, particularly parents navigating the digital landscape with their children. In this exploration, we delve into the question: Is BeReal safer than Snapchat?

Unpacking privacy settings, content sharing dynamics, age restrictions, parental controls, and community guidelines, we aim to shed light on the comparative safety features of these platforms, guiding users toward informed choices in the realm of social media.

Differences between BeReal and Snapchat

Privacy Settings


BeReal takes a unique approach to privacy by automatically setting user profiles to private. This means that only individuals who follow a user can view their posts. This default setting adds an extra layer of control over who can access your content.


Snapchat also offers privacy settings, allowing users to control who can view their snaps and stories. Users can customize these settings to limit their audience to friends, a select group, or the public. However, the default setting may be more open, requiring users to actively adjust their preferences.

Content Sharing


BeReal distinguishes itself by allowing users to post only one photo per day. The app encourages users to capture authentic, unfiltered snapshots of their lives. This limitation may contribute to a more controlled and thoughtful approach to content creation.


Snapchat is known for its multimedia sharing capabilities, including photos, videos, and text. While it provides a range of creative expression, the ephemeral nature of Snapchat content might lead to a higher frequency of posts, potentially impacting the quality and thoughtfulness of shared content.

Age Ratings


BeReal holds age ratings of 12+ on the App Store and Teen on the Play Store, indicating that it is suitable for users above a certain age. The app also received a 13+ age rating from CommonSenseMedia.


Snapchat also enforces age restrictions, requiring users to be at least 13 years old, in compliance with its terms of service.

Parental Controls


The article recommends using third-party parental control apps like Safes to manage screen time and other aspects of a child’s digital experience on BeReal.


Snapchat, like other major social media platforms, allows parents to set up parental controls within the app or through the device’s default settings. This includes features to manage friend requests, control who can contact the user, and restrict content.

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Community Guidelines


BeReal has clear community guidelines outlining acceptable behavior on the platform. Users can report inappropriate content, contributing to the maintenance of a positive and safe environment.


Snapchat also has community guidelines that users are expected to follow. The platform provides tools for reporting and blocking users engaging in inappropriate or harmful behavior.

How Does BeReal and Snapchat Make Money?


Advertising: Snapchat generates a significant portion of its revenue through advertising. Businesses pay to advertise their products or services through sponsored content, filters, and other ad formats on the platform.

Snapchat Discover: The Discover feature, where media companies and publishers share curated content, includes advertising, contributing to Snapchat’s revenue stream.


Private Investments: BeReal relies on private investments for operational funding. Launched in 2020 as a free app, it gained users through marketing efforts, emphasizing authenticity. While specific monetization plans were not outlined, potential strategies include ads or a paid subscription. BeReal’s commitment to user experience precedes exploring revenue streams, with the possibility of selling user data stated against in the Privacy Policy. The platform’s evolution will likely shape its monetization approach. For the latest details, check recent sources.

Conclusion – Is BeReal Safer than Snapchat?

Determining whether BeReal is safer than Snapchat involves various factors. BeReal’s unique features, such as private profiles and limitations on daily posts, contribute to a controlled environment. Snapchat, while offering privacy settings and controls, is known for its multimedia sharing, potentially leading to more frequent posts. Both platforms enforce age restrictions and have community guidelines.

The choice between the two may depend on individual preferences, the user’s age, and specific safety concerns. Parents are encouraged to actively engage in conversations with their children about responsible online behavior, review privacy settings, and stay informed about updates to ensure a positive and safe social media experience. As with any online platform, user adherence to guidelines and parental involvement are crucial factors in creating a secure online environment.


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